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Author Topic: Tohno Option Selects  (Read 7055 times)

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Offline Tonberry

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Tohno Option Selects
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:19:01 AM »
I really wanted to wait until I could borrow/buy recording equipment but since that isn't going to happen anytime soon....

Universal OS - meaty 5b 2b~214d.  Beats wakeup shield counter and bunker.  For C and H Tohno this also beats wakeup DPs, though for any that have a super flash you need to input bunker again after the super flash.  Unless otherwise stated in a specific OS, while it says 5b meaty there needs to be a slight delay on the 5b hitting.  If the 5b hits as early as it can it will still be meaty but it won't clash with certain dps.

Tech punishing after bunker
If H-Tohno does bunker out of blockstun or your opponent gets CH by bunker you can time 5c to hit all tech directions and still have enough time to meaty 2a(though you probably can't get this meaty vs Ryougi.)  If they neutral or forward tech you can go into your bnb of choice.  If they tech backwards you have to do 5c 2c 6c --> air combo.  

C-Tohno can also time a 5c to punish all tech directions in these scenarios but since he doesn't have 6c you can't combo them as hard after back tech.  Your options are
    - 5c 2c 5a whiff --> 22b/BE22b - This gives left right mixup.  May not work on Ryougi, should work on the rest of the cast.
    - 5c 2c 5a whiff dash 22bd - Another left right mixup though the timing is tight and won't work on characters that get up very fast.
    - 5c 236a 214c 214a - If you're close the the corner you can combo after this
    - 5c 236a 236c - If your opponent is close to dying this is the highest damage punisher you can do if they tech away and they aren't close to the corner.

Characters that get CH if their shield counter gets bunkered - V-Sion, Arcuied(high shield only), Tohno, Nanaya, Warc(high shield only), W-Len(low shield only), Len, Hisui(high shield only.)

Characters that don't get CH if their shield counter gets bunkered - Everyone else.  Special note: H-Satsuki low shield counter will cause your bunker to whiff.

Characters that get CH if their bunker gets bunkered - Akiha, V-Akiha, Len, Warachia, Mech, Ryougi

Characters that don't get CH if their bunker gets bunkered - Kohaku, Tohno, Aoko, Sion, V-Sion, Arcueid, Satsuki, Nero(his bunker hits you twice if you bunker it  >:()

vs C-Nanaya
C-Tohno - throw, slight delay dash 2a 5[d] 5b 2b.  On block, this looks like 2a 5b 2b.  If they heat this turns into 2a 5[d] and you react and input dp after 5[d] absorbs the heat.  If they dp, this turns into 2a 5d 5b(clash) 2b(low profile, dodges rest of dp.)  The punish after that is dash 2a, which is a little tight.  I'm not just imagining that I'm holding the shield button down sometimes and I'm not or vice versa; I set the dummy to do this input and those are the results.  No clue why this works but it does.  If he did EX dp you can try to shield the whole thing or bunker after shielding the first hit.

H-Tohno - do universal OS but replace 214d with 214a.  This loses to bunker but if Nanaya dps you slide under after clashing with the first hit and you have enough time to do dash 2a to punish his recovery.

F-Tohno - throw, slight delay dash 2a 5[d] 5b 5dd.  On block this is 2a 5b, if they dp this turns into 2a shield shield shield.  You let the last shield fully recover by itself and you still have enough time to fully punish the dp.

vs H-Nanaya
C-Tohno OS vs C-Nanaya still works vs B dp but H-Nanaya EX dp cannot be shielded or clashed with so the only way to beat it is to bait it.  

H-Tohno - Do universal OS.  This still fails vs EX DP.

vs F-Nanaya
C-Tohno OS fails again(the third hit of F-Nanaya dp hits too low for 2b to go under it.)  Do universal OS with C/H Tohno.

F-Tohno - throw, slight delay dash 2a 5[d] 5b 5d 236d.  On block this is 2a 5b, if they dp this turns into 2a shield shield, shield counter.  

vs C/H/F Miyako 623c
C/H-Tohno - meaty 5b 2b ~214d.  Beats wakeup shield counter and wakeup bunker.  If they ex dp the 2b~214d input gets eaten by the super flash and you can input 623b after the superflash to hit her out of her dp.  If you delay the 623b slightly you can combo off of it with C-Tohno with 5b 5c --> air combo.  If you delay it as much as possible you can do 5c 5bb --> air combo but that only does ~100 more damage and is a lot harder to hit.  If you're worried about dropping the timing on the delay you can do the dp immediately and then do 5a 5bb.  

vs C/H-Miyako 623a and C-Miyako 236c
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a 5d 5b.  The 2a has to be as early as possible otherwise you will still get DPed.  If C-Miyako does wakeup 236c 5d 5b gets dropped and and you have to time a shield properly to punish her.

F-Tohno - meaty 2a 5d 5b 5d.  The 2a has to be as early as possible otherwise you will still get DPed.  If she did 623a on wakeup you'll get shield shield whiff then you have enough time to punish her with a max damage bnb.  If C-Miyako does wakeup 236c 5d 5b gets dropped and and you have to time a shield properly to punish her.

vs H-Kohaku
C/H Tohno - Do universal OS.  2b~214d gets eaten by superflash if she does wakeup 214c or wakeup 623c.  If she did 623c just combo her after the clash.  If she did 214c you have enough time to jump and airdash over her then do rising ja and CH her after her last molotov.  5b recovers in time to punish backdash in the corner and dodge anywhere.   Since this still beats wakeup bunker/shield counter that only leaves her with backdash in midscreen and nothing in the corner.

vs C/H/F V-Sion 623c
All moons - meaty 2a 5d 5b.  On block this is just 2a 5b, if she does 623c shield comes out with perfect timing.  Wait for shield to fully recover then do max damage punish bnb.  

vs F V-Sion 214c
C/F-Tohno - Same OS as vs 623c but you have to manually shield the second and third hits.  You can't wait for shield to recover though.  

vs C/H-Aoko 623c, bunker, and shield counter
C-Tohno - use universal OS.  If she does ex dp 2b~214d gets dropped, manually input dp and you can combo her after it.
H-Tohno - 5b 6c~623b.  For some reason Aoko's shield counter has less invul than most(maybe all?) other characters so H-Tohno dp goes right through it.

vs F-Aoko 623b
C/H-Tohno - absurdly delayed 5b 5c~214a.
Alternate OS for C-Tohno - meaty 2a 5[d] 5b 5[d].  Both of these OS' lose to wakeup 623c.

vs F-Aoko 623c
C-Tohno - do universal OS.  If she does 623c do 623c after superflash.  Puts her in CC CH2.  
meterless C/H-Tohno - do universal OS.  If she does 623c do 214a after superflash.  

vs C/H/F-Sion 623b/623c
C-Tohno - 5b 5c~623b.  If she does ex dp 5c~623b is omitted and you have to manually input dp.  In either case you have enough time to do 5b 5c --> air combo after your dp recovers.  This loses to C-Sion wakeup 236c.  The 5b must hit as early as possible.

H-Tohno - 5b 6c~623b.  If she does ex dp 5c~623b is omitted and you have to manually input dp.  This loses to C-Sion wakeup 236c.  The 5b must hit as early as possible.

vs C/H/F Arc 22c
C/H-Tohno - do universal OS.  If she does ex dp 2b~214d is omitted and you have to manually input dp.  C-Tohno has enough time to do 5b 5c --> air combo after his dp recovers.  The 5b has to hit as early as possible.

vs C-Wlen 214a, 421c, forward dash, and 22b  
C-Tohno - 5b 5c~623b.  If she does 214a 5c is omitted and she gets dped.  Tohno covers in time to do 5c 5bb --> air combo.  421c has 1? frame of startup so she'll get CH before it comes out.  If she does 22b 5b will whiff and Tohno will recover before she does allowing you to punish her.  The 5b must hit as early as possible.  This loses to wakeup 623c.  Note - this OS doesn't win against 214a j236c consistently.  If she does the j236c too early or too late Tohno dp still goes through it but there is a timing between those where she will get 4 hits on her j236c.  There seems to be no input that C-Tohno has that will consistently beat both 214a and 214a j236c(all possible timings.)  

H-Tohno - 5b 6c.  If she does 214a 5b clashes and 6c will CH her.  If she does 214a j236c your 6c will go under her and you can hit her on the other side once it's safe.  This loses to wakeup 623c.

vs F-Wlen 623c/214c
H-Tohno - meaty 2b, mash 6e if you see 214c

vs H-Wlen 214b
C/H-Tohno - meaty 5b 6c~623b.  C-Tohno has enough time to combo her after his dp recovers.

vs C/H/F V-Akiha 623c
C/H-Tohno - use universal OS.  The 5b has to be a little more delayed against her than on other characters.  There's a timing that will still allow your 5b to clash with her dp and not clash with her bunker but it's tight so you may as well piano the bunker in case you mess up.  If she does ex DP you have to input 623b manually to hit her out of it.  C-Tohno does not have time to combo her so do the follow hit every time.  This loses to CV-Akiha wakeup 236c.  If H-Vakiha does wakeup 236c she'll be airborne and you need to react to that to combo her.

vs C/H/F-Akiha 623c
C/H-Tohno - use universal OS.  The 5b has to be a little more delayed against her than on other characters.  If she does ex DP you have to input 623b manually to hit her out of it.  C-Tohno does not have time to combo her so do the follow hit every time.  This loses to C-Akiha wakeup 63214c and wakeup 5[d] 63214a.  For some reason, if you delay the 5b too much she'll pass right through Tohno with her ex DP.  You don't want to because you can get mashed if you delayed it that long but if you really want to troll someone when you know they're going to do wakeup ex DP you can do that.  If H-Akiha does wakeup 236c she'll be airborne and you need to react to that to combo her.

vs C-Sacchin 22b/22c
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a 5d 5b.  There needs to be a slight delay to the 2a otherwise the shield will come out too early.  If she does 22c the 5d 5b inputs will get dropped.  For C-Tohno the easiest way to punish her is to do ex DP, for H-Tohno just shield it.  

vs F-Nero 63214c
All moons - meaty 2a, then react to the superflash and shield the bees.  The game will automatically shield all the hits for you after the first hit and you have enough time to let shield fully recover and do a max damage punish bnb.

vs C/H/F Roa 623b/c
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a 5d 5b 2b~214a.  The 2a has to be done as early as possible.  If he does 623b this will turn into 2a whiff shield 5b clash slide under him.  You have enough time to dash 2a and combo him after you recover from slide.  If he does 623c usually 5d onward will get dropped though if you pressed D early enough it will appear during the superflash and shield the hit.  If the shield didn't appear during superflash you need to press 5d 5b, otherwise just 5b if you're C-Tohno.  This will make you shield the first hit and clash with the second hit with the remaining hits whiffing giving you ample time to punish.  H-Tohno has to also press shield if it didn't appear during the superflash and you get a free combo off the autocounter.  

vs C/H-Ries 623b/c
C-Tohno - 5b 5c~623b.  If she does 623b you have enough time to combo her after the dp.  If she does 623c you need to input dp again and you still have time to combo her after the dp.

H-Tohno - 5b 6c~623b.  

vs F-Ries 623b and 236c
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a 5d 5b.  There has to be a slight delay on the 2a.  If she does 623c your 2a recovers with plenty of time to shield it.

vs C-Wara 623c, Heat, 63214c, and AD
All moons - meaty 2a 44 5b.  Warc summon has a bit of startup so you'll hit him during the startup if he tries that.  You'll get backdash if he does heat, dodge, or backdash.  If he does arc drive you have enough time to block after 2a whiffs.  If he did 623c you can shield the whole thing with C/F Tohno or with C/H Tohno you can 623b him through it.  You have to do the followup with C-Tohno because you don't have enough time to combo him after the first hit.

vs C/H-Tohno 623b
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a 5d 5b.

vs F-Tohno 623c
all moons - meaty 2a then shield it on reaction.  

vs Mech AD
C-Tohno corner only - meaty 2a then 623c post flash.  You'll get one hit then get hit 4-5x by her AD.  Neutral air tech then do a ja just as you're about to hit the ground.  5b --> air combo after that.

All moons anywhere on the screen - meaty 2a then AD.

vs F-Kouma 22c/236c
All moons - meaty 2a then mash 6e if he does 22c.  If he does 236c you can time a bunker, time a shield, or ex DP in C and H.

vs C/H/F-Hisui 236c, 623c, AD
All moons - meaty 2a any b/c normal~214d.  If she does 236c just block after the meaty 2a.  If she does 623c in full shield it.  If she does arc drive you'll get hit by the first hit then you recover in time to punish her.  This also beats wakeup shield counter and wakeup bunker.

vs C-Warc 236c
C-Tohno - do universal OS.  If she does 236c ex DP her after the clash.  Puts her in like CC CH2.  Unfortunately, H-Tohno EX DP will trade a hit with Warc 236c and result in mutual CH but she doesn't have absurd CH stun like she does with C-Tohno so you don't get to combo her off of it.  This loses to 214c.

vs C-Warc 214c
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a.  If she does 214c you can do 623b or 623c.  If you're too slow with 623b though, you'll trade and you won't be able to combo off of it.  This loses to 236c.

vs C-Ciel 214c midscreen/236c anywhere on the screen
C/H-Tohno - meaty 2a.  The 2a has to be done as early as possible or you can get hit by 236c.  If she does 214c there is a slight gap between the earliest possible shield and a properly timed shield.  Hold 9 after the first successful shield and you'll jump up and get hit by a few knives after automatically shielding the second two knives.  Air tech behind her then punish her with a max damage bnb.  If she does 236c you can either time the shield, which can be hard, or mash D until you see the first successful ex shield.  Most of the time Tohno will shield in the opposite direction he was originally facing(this is what you want.)  If he did so and you mashed D press 214a after ex hiero ends(if you don't, no matter what he will whiff another shield because you mashed D.)  If he didn't turn around just jump.  You can't combo her off that but you won't get stuck whiffing a shield that way.  If you DID time the shield you can do 2c --> bnb.  This loses to 22c.

vs C/H/FS-Akiha 623c
All moons - meaty 2a.  If she does 623c shield it on reaction and punish her.  

C/H/F-Maids 214214c
All moons - meaty 2a, shield if you see the superflash.

reversals I couldn't find OS' for - C/H/F-Ciel 22c, C-WLen 214a j236c(all possible timings) with C-Tohno, H-Ryougi 22c, Kouma 214c, C-Nero 63214c, C-Akiha 63214c

reversals I'm not going to look for OS' for - C/H-Tohno 623c, any gimmick character's reversal and high risk AD/AADs
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 10:29:59 AM by Tonberry »
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Re: Tohno Option Selects
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 11:00:15 AM »
I like how you posted this as I get interested in cTohno. Good stuff.

Anyways wouldn't these also work with 5a instead of 2a? probably a dumb question but i'm lazy.
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Re: Tohno Option Selects
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 02:00:20 PM »
This might not be the right place to ask,but how many of those can also be applied to C-Nanaya(or any Nanaya moon if applicable).It might work,even though his clash frame is 1f slower and smaller than C/H-Tohno's.
Best Nanaya in YouTube.

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Re: Tohno Option Selects
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 07:16:53 PM »
I like how you posted this as I get interested in cTohno. Good stuff.

Anyways wouldn't these also work with 5a instead of 2a? probably a dumb question but i'm lazy.

For C-Tohno, yes, though I personally find the timing to be more intuitive with 2a.  For F-Tohno, no because that will always whiff on crouchers.

This might not be the right place to ask,but how many of those can also be applied to C-Nanaya(or any Nanaya moon if applicable).It might work,even though his clash frame is 1f slower and smaller than C/H-Tohno's.

Theoretically, yes.  However, Tohno gets the perfect timing off of his throw for these OS' whereas Nanaya would have to wait longer.  It also is overall inferior to just doing left/right mixup with fastfall to mess up your opponents inputs imo.
[01:08] <Komidol> that marisa cosplayer that took my registration was sexy
[15:24] <Rokunaya> i've actually reached the point where some voice actors sound familiar in animes
[22:40] <bellreisa> i'm an insane murderer who is overwhelmed by nihilism but that's ok cause i'm in love

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Re: Tohno Option Selects
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 03:02:14 PM »
Tidied up the first post a bit and added more OS' including tech punish options off bunker.  If anyone knows if W-Len forward dash has startup or not please post.  

EDIT: Just checked frame data, C/F W-Len invul on dash starts on frame 6.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 05:51:53 PM by Tonberry »
[01:08] <Komidol> that marisa cosplayer that took my registration was sexy
[15:24] <Rokunaya> i've actually reached the point where some voice actors sound familiar in animes
[22:40] <bellreisa> i'm an insane murderer who is overwhelmed by nihilism but that's ok cause i'm in love

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Re: Tohno Option Selects
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 12:35:43 PM »
More OS' added as well as the full list of characters that get CH when their shield counter gets bunkered.
[01:08] <Komidol> that marisa cosplayer that took my registration was sexy
[15:24] <Rokunaya> i've actually reached the point where some voice actors sound familiar in animes
[22:40] <bellreisa> i'm an insane murderer who is overwhelmed by nihilism but that's ok cause i'm in love

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Re: Tohno Option Selects
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 04:53:02 PM »
If I missed listing any reversal please post but I think I got all of them.  Maybe if I'm feeling productive I'll finish the bunker list someday.
[01:08] <Komidol> that marisa cosplayer that took my registration was sexy
[15:24] <Rokunaya> i've actually reached the point where some voice actors sound familiar in animes
[22:40] <bellreisa> i'm an insane murderer who is overwhelmed by nihilism but that's ok cause i'm in love