When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Author Topic: eFFAn Melty Friday Tourney @ Granada Hills, CA - Interest check  (Read 1944 times)

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Offline Numakie

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eFFAn Melty Friday Tourney @ Granada Hills, CA - Interest check
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:43:24 PM »
Yo. Its Numakie. I have been headin to Family Fun Arcade for Melty most fridays after work. N occasion I have been recording matches on my lappie and posting em on my Youtubes. I have been thinking bout hosting Melty tourneys on Fridays since I'm there anyways. This is what I've been thinkin:

- games will be on the Melty Cabinet. (MBAACC V.1.07)
- 1 dollar entry fee, 25c per match. Event mode. Winner take all
- Tourneys will be held on some Fridays (don't know if Biweekly or once every Month)
- Alternate between single and Double Elimination.
- Vids recorded on my lappie & posted on my youtubes.
- Start time = 8pm.
- Each tournie will have some silly acronym title. (EX: eFFAn Melty - TTW=Testing The Waters)

 I honestly don't expect too many ppl to come by. I'd be delighted if there is like ... 6+ ppl in these. If for some reason  there is significantly more people, ill consider using additional setups (lappies).

So... what do you guys think?
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
<Pfhor>: no, I only have nightmares about your play numakie
<Pfhor>: because it makes no fucking sense