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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Author Topic: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)  (Read 57273 times)

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Offline Irysa

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned
« Reply #50 on: December 19, 2009, 01:24:36 AM »
deprecated with the popularization of youtube and streaming. when you promote the game to people you don't hand them a pack of replays for a game they probably haven't even downloaded. you link them on youtube or a stream. also fuck trying to gather and label replays scattered from five different laptops into one zip file

I didn't mean in a competitive sense, just when you play casuals or whatever with friends it's nice to have a replay function to get back good moments or matches you want.

I just wanted to point that out that for a year Zarticus, myself, and Tinshi at times were doing exactly this. We'd take a bus at 6:30am from NYC and do absurd amounts of transitions just to get to a no name town in MA that had the only MB cabinet on the East Coast at the time. Our first trip there was a diaster too, but we went back several times, and this was during the time that the first PS2 version was out.
I gave up on trying to run MBAA at the side at my local MVC2/SF4 ranbats lol, complete disaster. It's the same shit anytime you try to get anyone to play any game they say "yeah o.k it looks cool" and then you're left sitting grinding combos by yourself unless you brought a friend along. Doesn't help that most of the people I did manag to get into it are now too busy/at university on the other side of the damn country.

I think there's less of a problem of not caring about Melty in a lot of places, it's more nobody cares about fighting games. Even these ranbats that got started running here recently have tiny attendance as it is and over 3/4 of the people attending do it because they feel sorry for the LAN center owner, he loves fighting games but he never gets to play with anybody.

Hasn't even been a single notable tournament ever organized up here for years since last August and that was all English folk coming up to win the pot.

I think some Americans don't understand that it's not that places like Europe aren't trying to get people interested, and hitting a wall of uncertainty and dislike, it's literally that people don't care about fighting games unless you live in London, Stockholm or Paris. It's not a niche problem, it's a general cultural interest (lol) issue.


kind of irrelevant.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 01:37:59 AM by Irysa »
[17:09:40] <Roy> lol wtf, escort service prices in helsinki are fucking ridiculous
[17:10:32] <Irysa> why are you even looking at those
[17:10:52] <Roy> Looking for a reason to go to the event despite sucking at Melty

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2009, 01:26:39 AM »
honestly, it doesn't cost much to play MBAA unless you want to play on stick.

Either way, this topic isn't about any PC port or some shit. It's about MBAAFT which is going to be the arcade patch to add a few fixes and the console changes (like Ryougi)

I think they're gonna nerf a few things about Ryougi like the charge time on her unblockables :(. Most likely a damage nerf too. I'll be waiting for info to come from JP. Maybe I'll finally have a Ryougi player to watch <3
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned
« Reply #52 on: December 19, 2009, 01:34:47 AM »
pc port just gonna bring out more mizuumi netplay weirdos

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2009, 03:38:21 AM »
honestly, it doesn't cost much to play MBAA unless you want to play on stick.

Either way, this topic isn't about any PC port or some shit. It's about MBAAFT which is going to be the arcade patch to add a few fixes and the console changes (like Ryougi)

I think they're gonna nerf a few things about Ryougi like the charge time on her unblockables :(. Most likely a damage nerf too. I'll be waiting for info to come from JP. Maybe I'll finally have a Ryougi player to watch <3

The first thing that comes to mind is the LA. I assume they'll fix the glitch and maybe tone down the damage.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: we cry rivers about no PC port)
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2009, 04:09:51 AM »
Fixing the LA glitch is immediately needed, but really...aside from that she doesn't really need any buffs or nerfs.  She's just fine.
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2009, 09:31:12 AM »
I honestly can't see what else could be done outside of the console characters. Maybe they'll wow me if they give Arc a real pink(y) ring.

This is the ONLY thing I'm saying about previous comments/conversations on this thread:

While these last few months (year if you're in JP land) have ended up becoming a great time for MB, the community is at a peak and we can only go higher! Niggas need to understand that if you're playing this game at this time in your life, you need to enjoy it with the community. This is a time that you can't let pass you by. You have people who are coming out of the gutters and no name states to try and get with what's going on in this country. If you can't understand the numbers at NEC, one thing can be told from them: NEC was the biggest MB tournament in the country TO DATE. Your community from all points of the United States saved up their money (or donation threads lol) to make MBAA (the game, not Melty) known in the fighting game community. Quite frankly, we did just that.

When I say "we", I mean everyone, even if you just touched the game for 2 minutes and learned j.C with Nero all day. I'm talking from day 1s to Team Sp00ky. Like Chibi said, I love this community, even though I missed NEC. Therefore, I'm busting my ass to get to every other tournament for MB in 2010. I'm black and I'm broke. I work at CVS and I'm a full time student on top of that. Then I got bills to use work money for. I got excuses but nothing that'll keep my ass from going somewhere to play this game. If you really want to help us, allow us to help you. You've got community who will more than gladly open doors to THEIR OWN HOMES FOR YOU and you're probably some theiving ass mother fucker twiddling thumbs on AC. And no more socially backwards bullshit, we've all been socially awkward at times, but you can really learn and have fun with these guys at the same time.

I don't care about PC or PS2 right now, I care about my community right now. You guys got almost 400 simultaneous viewers for MB finals at NEC. You got people who are trying to defend AA for a spot at EVO of all places even when the odds say fuck no. You got people PM'ing me asking me how to play and if anyone plays where they live...in #capcom on IRC. This is just a time where we really need to buckle down and band together, real talk. I'd hate to see this community hit a slump after Evo like there wasn't shit else to do, there's alot more shit else to do and we're gonna run that shit anywhere we can. History of MB has usually been back-ran, BYOC, sucky TVs, stuck in front of a gazebo, and usually taunted and kicked out at times for years. People, as long as you understand this post and make shit run where you live...

We be fo 'sho gettin' reparations.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 09:53:13 AM by サイレント忍 »
Black people vs. underage looking bitches at Evo - 9-1.
Me: "Show me ya papers!"
Jaxx: "Bitch, you illegal as fuck."
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2009, 10:42:43 AM »
Man, don't even say you can get those SF4 and GG players to play MB. After a bit of effort, I managed to get the SF4 players in our group to switch to MBAA. Even the GG players who said they hated MB have started playing. All it takes is a bit of hype, yelling and for me a money match to start spreading the hype. One of those GG players even brought in a MB player despite not knowing how to play MB. Sure they say they hate it, but you know they're just being tsundere for MB when they walk into the room, run MB and start practicing combos.
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: we cry rivers about no PC port)
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2009, 12:03:19 PM »
Fixing the LA glitch is immediately needed, but really...aside from that she doesn't really need any buffs or nerfs.  She's just fine.

Yeah, that LA is going to be fixed, no doubt about it.  But she could use a few buffs, like tweaking her normals to be a least a frame faster and fixing her j.A and j.B in half moon.  For some reason they both do the same amount of damage and have the exact same startup frames.  What's the point?  

And on the local community scene:  back in March when SF4 debuted we only had a small community of gamers.  I started browsing srk and joined it this year, which in turn lead to finding more like-minded players.  Now that SF4 has taken its stride, they've started branching out and trying other games including MBAA, so it goes to show you that with time and patience you can start building something in your own community as well.  

We've had four tournaments this year, and each event keeps getting larger and larger.  More people come out of the woodwork.  Traveling to majors is a little out of the question as the nearest comp in 3 hours away and all, but if you go to those then more than likely they'll honor the visit and go to yours as well.  Last time I was at KC's ranbat, I spread the gospel about MBAA and now they have players for it too. 

The resources are out there, you just have to keep plugging at it.  There'd still be just three people playing MBAA here if it wasn't for all that effort I put into making a community.  
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 12:11:46 PM by CPhame »

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2009, 09:06:52 AM »
I hear from Tropsy reading from the jp bbs that C-V.Akiha j.C is now untechable.

Also something about F-Len having a hop for a dash and NAC can combo off of mantis.

But seriously, that first one <3
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #59 on: December 21, 2009, 09:33:28 AM »
this begs the question, how are you gonna plug a keyboard into a PS2

what a rubbish system

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2009, 10:18:30 AM »
Silly Lolly, I have a PS2 stick already!  I can even do a few bnbs on it!  I've even played some rounds!
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned
« Reply #61 on: December 21, 2009, 02:38:12 PM »
"hi im waiting for a pc por-"

No shut up, go outside and travel to a local scene, just because you're allergic to the sun doesn't mean jack shit, that's why they make umbrellas, you'll still be pale and pasty. OH WAIT PEOPLE ASKING FOR A PC PORT DON'T DO JACK SHIT FOR THIS COMMUNITY ANYWAYS.

It's simply too hard to get hype for a game that I can only play with other people 5-6 times a year. Seriously, the very concept of such a thing is laughable. Someone living in NYC can't say shit about wanting a PC port and lack of scene, but you guys need to realise that America isn't the only country where shit matters. Europe as a whole is bigger than America, but for the most part none of the countries communicate much with each other, partly due to language barriers and partly due to other bullshit. In EU MB scene, almost everyone is british. We got a few swedish dudes and a few finnish dudes but that's about it. Hardly anyone from mainland. I know that France has a fucking huge FG scene but I've never spoken to them nor know where they hang out. For america its easy, everyone goes to SRK forums, everyone goes to evo, everyone knows about NEC and seasons beatings and fucking west coast warzone and all this other shit, and even if they can't go they can get in on the hype. In europe we don't have that, the various countries don't wanna communicate with each other. We can start building these links with france and other countries, but we need a starting point, and that has to be netplay. With that as a basis, we can try to gather EU players in one place, get more EU players to travel and build bigger scenes throughout the country and the continent. But we need a starting point, and even then it's nearly impossible. Neo Empire couldnt even get jack shit to travel for SF4. there were like 20 foreign players tops at BoD a year and a half ago, and probably like 5 at SvB this year. Sweden used to be the top country in EU for GG and GG is dead now and so is sweden, practically. All the swedish guys I know complain that their scene is dead. It's easy to talk shit about america cause you can fuckin drive anywhere, just make a big road trip. In EU you gotta fly and you need a passport, you can't compare it.

tl;dr: maybe you guys dont need netplay in america but guess what the world doesnt revolve around america

MBAA FT: I'm still confident this will build on the PS2 version rather than porting it, and I would be very surprised if we didn't see any new characters, even if it's just a balanced version of archetype earth. I would play the shit out of that, she was so much fun in PS2, but obviously unusable in serious play. If they tweaked her to play the same but be less broken I'd be all over that shit. I'd also like to see them fix some of the practically useless character/moon combos, such as H-Wara. At the end of the day it's just a loketest and we shouldn't take anything for granted until release, I wouldn't be surprised if Ecole had surprises in store for what will most certainly be the final MB game.

Does anyone else think this previously unheard-of update might be a kneejerk reaction to the unexpected popularity of the game, or maybe even a solid push to get the game at Tougeki next year? I've heard stuff that Tougeki is trying to modernise (much like EVO trying to have current-gen games only) and that's whats keeping MB out.
<Irysa> arcana heart 3 just red ringed my 360 im not even joking

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #62 on: December 21, 2009, 03:32:49 PM »
It really would be nice to see new things for characters like C/H-Wara and C/H-Len and the stuff.  Yeah, C-Len has teleport, orbs, and hammer, but it's not enough, they're still basically the same character.  H-Wara actually does have a little bit of merit.  His 5B is a good anti-air with clash, 5A 6AA combos are fun and he has a good 5A 6AA that links into 5B.  623A/B probably doesn't have a much better hitbox than Crescent's but it's nice to be able to see what his hitbox is like without hitting a frame displayer.  j.236B is actually faster and iirc hits more too, which is cool.  It's not that he isn't really a worse character, but Crescent just has better things.  They need to be changed a little more so yeah, somebody might play half over crescent.

Actually, I think that's a very difficult to address problem though and probably won't see anything, it would require some pretty major changes, which I don't expect.

EDIT: Silly me, I forgot that maybe speeding up his 2A from seven frame startup might be nice.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 03:41:48 PM by Benny1 »
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #63 on: December 21, 2009, 04:00:54 PM »
H-Wara has a 7f 2a.
During Loser's Finals at NECX:

<Crowd at Jiyuna about to Lose> Na na na naaaa, na na na naaaa, hey hey hey, Goodbyeeee~

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #64 on: December 21, 2009, 04:20:54 PM »

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #65 on: December 21, 2009, 06:20:33 PM »
I'm a nobody in Croatia and I wouldn't be able to netplay anyone in reasonable delay even if there was netplay, but I'll post an image expressing my contempt for people that have a scene.

Thanks for your input. From here on out any more threadshitting will result in deleted posts and whimsical bans. Let's keep it on topic, like how the hardware is not going to be Naomi but Ringwide, which is an XP-embedded system that would make a PC port a closer reality than before.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #66 on: December 21, 2009, 07:23:55 PM »
I'm a nobody in Croatia and I wouldn't be able to netplay anyone in reasonable delay even if there was netplay, but I'll post an image expressing my contempt for people that have a scene.

Thanks for your input. From here on out any more threadshitting will result in deleted posts and whimsical bans. Let's keep it on topic, like how the hardware is not going to be Naomi but Ringwide, which is an XP-embedded system that would make a PC port a closer reality than before.

Okay, now this just seems dumb. MBAA's main appeal was that it was a current game on NAOMI, meaning arcade owners didn't have to throw out or severely lower the prices on their shitty obselete NAOMI cabinets. I don't see any point in porting it to another system, and I'm curious to know how many arcade owners would be willing to shell out on entirely brand new cabinets for what is essentially a minor update to the game. Obviously the big famous arcades that you see on your dumb little nico vids will, but I dunno if the same can be said for the small guys.
<Irysa> arcana heart 3 just red ringed my 360 im not even joking

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #67 on: December 21, 2009, 08:02:18 PM »
I've never heard of the Ringwide before. I'm curious as to what the specs are, like how it compares to something like the Taito-X2. I'm not sure exactly what the motive is behind moving to new hardware, but I highly doubt it means they're going to give it any graphical updates. KoF sure didn't take full advantage of the Naomi's capabilities when the series moved to it.
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #68 on: December 21, 2009, 08:08:21 PM »
Changing cabs seems like a bad choice to me.

also ITT:Trolls trolling trolls about being trolled.
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #69 on: December 21, 2009, 10:01:02 PM »
I'm just guessing this won't be enough to warrant a new version for PS2. But, I'm really glad this game is seeing more people. I finally have people I can travel out and play and I really like that about the community now. Socially interacting with people outside of keyboard. lol I wonder what Japan is going to Do with these console characters that we haven't yet. This is going to be great to see.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned
« Reply #70 on: December 22, 2009, 08:12:21 AM »
I want un-broke Archetype Earth. No point having that character in other wise...
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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #71 on: December 22, 2009, 08:21:15 AM »
Best thing that could happen is a PS3 release. Internet connection available -> online play. Then just a PS3 keyboard and all the PC players would shit on their computer and buy a playstation.

I would.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #72 on: December 22, 2009, 08:33:27 AM »
I've never heard of the Ringwide before. I'm curious as to what the specs are, like how it compares to something like the Taito-X2. I'm not sure exactly what the motive is behind moving to new hardware, but I highly doubt it means they're going to give it any graphical updates. KoF sure didn't take full advantage of the Naomi's capabilities when the series moved to it.

RingWide is made of inexpensive components. Even a new computer built with cheap parts can completely dominate it spec-wise, since it relies on SDRAM along with a recommended graphics card series about three years old and processor that was weak even when it came out.

Anyone know how much money it takes to manufacture NAOMI cartridges? That is the only reason I can think of to make them switch, besides Sega basically dropping support for NAOMI.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #73 on: December 22, 2009, 09:56:15 AM »
cool and ORIGINAL ideas for "new" characters that we will never, ever see cus my opinion really doesn't matter to begin with:

Mr. Chin (Kohaku AD)
Goshujin-sama (MechHisui's "master")

After looking through frame viewer and random sprites I thought it would be a cool idea to have more original character appearances like the two I've mentioned...Instead of a 6th Akiha/Random Maid Team. Designing them to use traditional martial arts styles (like miyako) would be extra-dope.


Really (still) praying that F-ciel goes untouched (unless it's for bigger jC hit box or faster/high(er) flickers).
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 10:20:10 AM by Zartacus! »
zar are you even aware that your attitude is what drove people off in the first place. i think zar's attitude is worse than all of that. cause neither of you guys mean anything. but zar can poison shit around him. zar's the one that gets personal online and does realtalk that's out of line.

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Re: MBAA Final Tuned (ITT: let's stop fucking talking about the PC port period)
« Reply #74 on: December 22, 2009, 10:27:31 AM »
The reason is more likely that Sega want to promote their new hardware, MBAA is currently the most played 2D FG in Japan (well chart hasn't been updated since BBCS was released to be honest) so there is no question about if the arcades in japan will buy it or not, then if the hardware sells well thanks to MBAA FT, it could be more appealling to other editors to relase their games on it.
Still it's not good news, Naomi is cheap and with a game on cartridge it's very reliable (GD rom wasn't as much though), the new hardware will bring some new problems, like cooling as most old cabinets have no ventilation at all, that's not a problem for a Naomi but with a pc based system it can be very bad, for exemple i know an arcade in Paris that fried a type X2 this summer because they didn't thought of adding ventilation in a blast city. And of course the price won't be the same, we could hope getting MBAA FT in the 200k yen range as a Naomi rom, with this new system the game kit will probably go around 260-300k yen.