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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

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Akiha's Tea Room / learning melty blood with a friend
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:19:35 PM »
me and a friend are new to fighting games and we wanna learn MBAACC, but i have some questions:

how hard of a game is melty blood to start with? i'm familiar with some of the mechanics (grooves, parries, the combo notation) from watching other fighting games, but neither of us has played a fighting game enough to reach competence

are there any must-read resources? i've skimmed through the Guide to Learning MBAA (as an SF Player) and the Directory of General System Mechanics and we'll continue to use them as referential material, but more would be great

how should we start? i'm thinking we should pick just one character each and learn the game and the matchup by playing with just them, for a long time. after picking characters i'm guessing we should practice bnb combos in training and watch lots of videos between playing sessions? it seems to me like practicing bnbs is especially important in melty, because if you don't have them down you can resort to mashing and still form (bad) combos, and bad habits

are there any characters that stand out as being especially good for beginners? i want to play the most fundamental character, the ryu of melty blood, but because of how different the game is, i don't know what "fundamentals" are

i have an arcade stick, but my friend doesn't. what's better in the long run: keyboard, pad, or does it not matter? the pad is a standard 360 controller

thanks, that's it for now, but i'll probably have more questions later and i'll try to keep them here

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